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Adding a new translation

  1. Fork this repo in your GitHub account.
  2. Clone your fork into your computer.
  3. Make a copy of en-US.js (you can find it inside the i18n folder) and start translating all the strings to your language using your favorite text editor.
  4. When you finish, save it with your locale as name (e.g. fr-FR.js if you are working on a french translation) inside that folder.
  5. Open the i18n.js file.
  6. Look for else langObj = enUS; and add your locale in this format right before it:
else if (lang === "your-locale")
  langObj = yourLocale;
  1. Finally open index.html and look for this line:
<script src="./i18n.js"></script>
  1. Add a reference to your file before the previous line in this format:
<script src="./i18n/your-locale.js"></script>
  1. Now you're done, upload your changes to your fork in GitHub and make a pull request.

Updating/Adding a payload

  1. Fork this repo in your GitHub account.
  2. Clone your fork into your computer.
  3. Create a .js file inside the payloads folder with the name of the payload (if you are adding one).
  4. Open that file with your favorite text editor.
  5. (Optional) Add these lines at the beggining of the file, or update them if you are updating the payload, just for cosmetic purposes:
// Payload Name and Version
// Sourced from https://www.example.com/link/to/your/payload.bin
  1. Add the line const your_payload_name = new Uint8Array([ to the file (if you are creating it).
  2. Go to web-cfw-loader, select Upload payload, open your updated/new payload and check Get payload byte array (don't sploit).
  3. Press Deliver Payload! and copy the byte array from the log (the entire text after Logging payload bytes...).
  4. Paste the byte array right after Uint8Array([.
  5. Delete , at the end of the array and append ]);.
  6. Save the file.

If you are updating a payload

  1. Open index.html and look for the payload option.
  2. Bump its version to the corresponding one.
  3. Open every of the language files (the .js files from the i18n folder), look for the payload string and bump its version number too.
  4. Finally, upload your changes to your fork in GitHub and make a pull request.

If you are adding a payload

  1. Open main.js and look for the string } else if (payloadType === "uploaded") {.
  2. Add the new payload right before it using this format:
} else if (payloadType === "your_payload_name") {
  payload = your_payload_name;
  1. Save the file and open index.html.
  2. Look for the string <option value="uploaded" id="optionUpload" >Upload payload</option> and add the new an option for the new payload using this format:
<option value="your_payload_name" id="optionTheNewPayload" >The New Payload Name And Its Version</option>
  1. On the same file, go down to <script src="./main.js"></script> and add the path to the payload right before it using this format:
<script src="./payloads/payloadname.js"></script>
  1. Save it, open i18n.js and look for this string document.getElementById("optionUpload").innerHTML = langObj.optionUpload;
  2. Again, append the payload option id to the previous line using this format:
document.getElementById("optionFusee").innerHTML     = langObj.optionFusee;
  1. Finally, open every of the language files (the .js files inside the i18n folder) and add the payload to them using this format (you already know where):
"optionTheNewPayload" : "The New Payload Name And Its Version",
  1. Congrats, you did it! Now, upload your changes to your fork in GitHub and make a pull request.

Extra: Test your changes before making a pull request

If you want to confirm that your changes work before suggesting them follow these steps:

  1. Make sure all your changes are successfully uploaded to your fork in GitHub.
  2. Go to your repo settings.
  3. Go down to GitHub Pages and select master branch in Source.
  4. Click Save and wait a few seconds.
  5. Now, you should see your site at https://YourGitHubUsername.github.io/web-cfw-loader/.
  6. If everything is alright, now is the time to make a pull request.