mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 23:42:20 +00:00
Ultra 2.1|RC2
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
1. **[Atmosphere](https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere)** - Atmosphère, кастомная прошивка для Nintendo Switch.
1. **[Hekate](https://github.com/CTCaer/hekate)** - Пользовательский графический загрузчик Nintendo Switch, патчер прошивки, инструментарий и многое другое.
1. **[Ultra Tuner](https://github.com/Ultra-NX/Ultra-Tuner)** - Пакет для Ultra Paw (форка Ultrahand), позволяющий произвести тонкую настройку параметров под свою консоль. В случае нестабильной работы разгона, или при желании увеличить производительность консоли, Ultra Tuner - Ваш незаменимый помощник.
1. **[OC-Suite](https://github.com/hanai3Bi/Switch-OC-Suite/)** - Пакет разгона от Meha/hanai3Bi, открытые исходники гарантируют надежность и отсутствие скрытых гадостей. Вовремя обновляется для поддержки новых возможностей Атмосферы.
1. **`OC-Switchcraft`**, форк **[OC-Suite](https://github.com/hanai3Bi/Switch-OC-Suite/)** - Лоадер атмосферы с разгоном от B3711, позволяет выжать из N.Switch мощность Xbox One. Вовремя обновляется для поддержки новых возможностей Атмосферы.
1. **Установленные пейлоады**:
* [Lockpick_RCM](https://sigmapatches.su) - Программа для снятия ключей консоли.
* [TegraExplorer](https://github.com/suchmememanyskill/TegraExplorer) - Низкоуровневый файловый менеджер для работы с системой.
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
1. **Установленные модули**
* [SaltyNX](https://github.com/masagrator/SaltyNX) - Фоновый модуль, позволяющий модифицировать файлы\процессы в консоли, поддерживает плагины. Не совместим с 32-х битными играми (список на гитхабе проекта).
* [sys-clk](https://github.com/hanai3Bi/Switch-OC-Suite) - Модуль отвечающий за разгон процессора, памяти и видеочипа - для лучшей производительности. Периодически меняю версии от разных авторов. Оригинальные авторы: Meha/hanai3Bi, lineon, p-sam.
* [nx-ovlloader](https://github.com/WerWolv/nx-ovlloader/) - С помощью этого модуля осуществляется переключение установленных модулей.
* [nx-ovlloader](https://github.com/zdm65477730/nx-ovlloader/) - С помощью этого модуля осуществляется переключение установленных модулей.
* [Ultra Paw Overlay](https://github.com/Ultra-NX/Ultra-Paw-Overlay), форк [Ultrahand Overlay](https://github.com/ppkantorski/Ultrahand-Overlay) - Специальное оверлей-меню для взаимодействия с системой: разгон, управление режимами через ReverseNX, включение читов, прочее. Так же позволяет использовать самописные пакеты, например - Ultra Tuner.
- **`Ultra-Overlay`**, мод [sys-clk](https://github.com/hanai3Bi/Switch-OC-Suite) - Оверлей для управления модулем sys-clk. Немного изменен мной, но без копания в исходниках.
- [Ultra Status Monitor](https://github.com/Ultra-NX/Ultra-Status-Monitor), форк [Status Monitor](https://github.com/hanai3Bi/Status-Monitor-Overlay) - Оверлей позволяющий следить за параметрами консоли в реальном времени. Может выступать в качестве счетчика FPS. Сменить пресет Micro-оверлея можно в Updater.
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
* [Battery Desync Fix](https://github.com/CTCaer/battery_desync_fix_nx) - Программа для сброса контроллера батареи. Не используйте просто так!
* [HB App Store](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore) - Бесплатный магазин для скачивания Homebrew приложений.
* [SysDVR-conf](https://github.com/exelix11/SysDVR) - Программа для установки/удаления dvr патчей для игр. Патчи включают возможность записи в тех играх, где она отключена, но ломают некоторые другие игры, например "Ведьмак 3".
* [sys-ftpd](https://github.com/cathery/sys-ftpd) - FTP сервер, работающий на фоне.
* [sys-ftpd](https://github.com/tomvita/sys-ftpd-light) - FTP сервер, работающий на фоне.
* [sys-con](https://github.com/cathery/sys-con) - Модуль, позволяющий подключать практически любые геймпады к консоли по USB.
* [Mission Control](https://codeberg.org/rashevskyv/kefir) - Модуль, позволяющий подключать практически любые геймпады к консоли по Bluetooth.
* [Observer-Tool](https://github.com/rkuchkarov/Observer-Tool) - Оверлей с максимально подробным отображением статистики системы, напоминает Afterburner на PC.
@ -69,18 +69,27 @@
## Благодарности
* hanai3Bi/Meha
* ppkantorski/b0rd2dEAth
* Meha
* B3711
* ppkantorski
* Cooler3D
* rashevskyv/хНЯ
* snupt/Catcher In The Grain Field
* rashevskyv
* snupt
* 4PDA
#### А так же - отдельная благодарность администрации и участникам Ultra Group
## Поддержка
Если вам понравились результаты моих стараний, и у вас появилось желание закинуть мне на шаурму - я буду очень благодарен.
* Сделать это можно через @wallet telegram, на мой аккаунт @redraz
* Либо через Сбер: 2202200513345833
* Так же по QR через Tinkoff

Если вам нравится проект, и у вас появилось желание поддержать меня копеечкой - я буду очень благодарен.
У меня в данный момент нет других заработков, так что любая денежная помощь очень ценна для меня.
### Tinkoff QR

TON: UQDioCnnPI5sk4KvxWzfPWsWbAyWCkzwhaYjy8Qpg2QwWMiL
BTC: 1HsC4z8X1YkZzcSKZz1t7MXRa7rPi8qChV
USDT: TQi3qLVrNGcr6avfVQBXRjpPTyvp5JZ7i2
Сбербанк: 2202200513345833
Tinkoff: 2200700170486970
@ -23,8 +23,7 @@
1. **[Atmosphere](https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere)** - Atmosphère, custom firmware for the Nintendo Switch.
1. **[Hekate](https://github.com/CTCaer/hekate)** - Custom Nintendo Switch graphical bootloader, firmware patcher, toolkit and more.
1. **[Ultra Tuner](https://github.com/Ultra-NX/Ultra-Tuner)** - Package for Ultra Paw (fork of Ultrahand), which allows you to fine-tune the OC parameters for your console. In case of unstable overclocking, or if you want to increase the performance of your console, Ultra Tuner is your indispensable assistant.
1. **[OC-Suite](https://github.com/hanai3Bi/Switch-OC-Suite/)** - Overclocking package by Meha/hanai3Bi, open source guarantees reliability and no hidden nasties. Updated in time to support new Atmosphere features.
- The original from Meha is temporarily used.
1. **`OC-Switchcraft`**, a fork of **[OC-Suite](https://github.com/hanai3Bi/Switch-OC-Suite/)** - The overclocked atmosphere loader by B3711, allows you to squeeze the power of the Xbox One out of the N.Switch. Updated in time to support new Atmosphere features.
1. **Installed Payloads**:
* [Lockpick_RCM](https://sigmapatches.su) - Program for dumping console keys.
* [TegraExplorer](https://github.com/suchmememanyskill/TegraExplorer) - A low-level file manager for working with the system.
@ -35,7 +34,7 @@
1. **Installed Modules**
* [SaltyNX](https://github.com/masagrator/SaltyNX) - Background module allowing to modify files/processes in console, supports plugins. Not compatible with 32-bit games (list on the project's github).
* [sys-clk](https://github.com/hanai3Bi/Switch-OC-Suite) - Module responsible for overclocking CPU, memory and GPU - for better performance. I change versions from different authors from time to time. Original authors: Meha/hanai3Bi, lineon, p-sam.
* [nx-ovlloader](https://github.com/WerWolv/nx-ovlloader/) - This module is used to switch the installed modules.
* [nx-ovlloader](https://github.com/zdm65477730/nx-ovlloader/) - This module is used to switch the installed modules.
* [Ultra Paw Overlay](https://github.com/Ultra-NX/Ultra-Paw-Overlay), a fork of [Ultrahand Overlay](https://github.com/ppkantorski/Ultrahand-Overlay) - Special overlay-menu for interacting with the system: overclocking, controlling modes via ReverseNX, enabling cheats, etc. Also allows to use your own packages, for example, Ultra Tuner.
- **`Ultra-Overlay`**, a mod of [sys-clk](https://github.com/hanai3Bi/Switch-OC-Suite) - Overlay for controlling sys-clk module. Slightly modified by me, but without digging into sources.
- [Ultra Status Monitor](https://github.com/Ultra-NX/Ultra-Status-Monitor), a fork of [Status Monitor](https://github.com/masagrator/Status-Monitor-Overlay) - Overlay that allows you to monitor console parameters in real time. It can act as an FPS counter. You change preset of Micro-overlay appearance in Updater.
@ -49,7 +48,7 @@
* [Battery Desync Fix](https://github.com/CTCaer/battery_desync_fix_nx) - Program to reset the battery controller. Do not use unnecessarily!
* [HB App Store](https://github.com/fortheusers/hb-appstore) - A free store for downloading Homebrew apps.
* [SysDVR-conf](https://github.com/exelix11/SysDVR) - A program to install/uninstall dvr patches for games. Patches enable recording in games where it is disabled, but break some other games like "The Witcher 3".
* [sys-ftpd](https://github.com/cathery/sys-ftpd) - FTP server running in background.
* [sys-ftpd](https://github.com/tomvita/sys-ftpd-light) - FTP server running in background.
* [sys-con](https://github.com/cathery/sys-con) - A module that allows you to connect almost any gamepads to the console via USB.
* [Mission Control](https://codeberg.org/rashevskyv/kefir) - A module that allows you to connect almost any gamepads to the console via bluetooth.
* [Observer-Tool](https://github.com/rkuchkarov/Observer-Tool) - An overlay with the most detailed display of system statistics, similar to Afterburner on PC.
@ -79,6 +78,11 @@ Listed below are the licenses of those programs that have been modified specific
## Support
If you liked the results of my labors and you wanted to thank me - I would be very grateful.
If you like the project and you have a desire to support me with a penny - I will be very grateful.
I have no other income at the moment, so any monetary help is very valuable to me.
You can do this via @wallet telegram, on my @redraz account
I am from Russia, so there are no other convenient ways to donate me =(
TON: UQDioCnnPI5sk4KvxWzfPWsWbAyWCkzwhaYjy8Qpg2QwWMiL
BTC: 1HsC4z8X1YkZzcSKZz1t7MXRa7rPi8qChV
USDT: TQi3qLVrNGcr6avfVQBXRjpPTyvp5JZ7i2
@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
# Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash US 1.0.2
# BID: EA01C4BA969E8159
unsafeCheck: true
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget (1000/FPS) rounded to 2 decimals
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [66.66, 66.66]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [15, 15]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [50, 50]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [20, 20]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [40, 40]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [25, 25]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget (default value)
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [33.33, 33.33]
# t.MaxFPS (default value is 60)
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [0, 0]
# r.VSync (default value is 1)
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [28.51, 28.51]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [35, 35]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [25, 25]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [40, 40]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [22.22, 22.22]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [45, 45]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [20, 20]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [50, 50]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [18.18, 18.18]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [55, 55]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [16.66, 16.66]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [0, 0]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
# Session: Skate Sim 1.1.3
# BID: D40B81867A121EB0
unsafeCheck: true
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget = 0.81 * (1000/FPS)
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7249868, 0]
value_type: float
value: [54, 54]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7277438, 0]
value_type: float
value: [15, 15]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6A7D0C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7249868, 0]
value_type: float
value: [40.5, 40.5]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7277438, 0]
value_type: float
value: [20, 20]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6A7D0C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7249868, 0]
value_type: float
value: [32.4, 32.4]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7277438, 0]
value_type: float
value: [25, 25]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6A7D0C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget (default value)
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7249868, 0]
value_type: float
value: [27, 27]
# t.MaxFPS (default value)
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7277438, 0]
value_type: float
value: [0, 0]
# r.VSync (default is 1)
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6A7D0C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7249868, 0]
value_type: float
value: [23.142, 23.142]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7277438, 0]
value_type: float
value: [35, 35]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6A7D0C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7249868, 0]
value_type: float
value: [20.25, 20.25]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7277438, 0]
value_type: float
value: [40, 40]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6A7D0C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7249868, 0]
value_type: float
value: [18, 18]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7277438, 0]
value_type: float
value: [45, 45]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6A7D0C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7249868, 0]
value_type: float
value: [16.2, 16.2]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7277438, 0]
value_type: float
value: [50, 50]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6A7D0C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7249868, 0]
value_type: float
value: [14.727, 14.727]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7277438, 0]
value_type: float
value: [55, 55]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6A7D0C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7249868, 0]
value_type: float
value: [13.5, 13.5]
# t.MaxFPS (default value)
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x7277438, 0]
value_type: float
value: [0, 0]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6A7D0C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
# Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash JP 1.0.2
# BID: EA01C4BA969E8159
unsafeCheck: true
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget (1000/FPS) rounded to 2 decimals
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [66.66, 66.66]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [15, 15]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [50, 50]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [20, 20]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [40, 40]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [25, 25]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget (default value)
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [33.33, 33.33]
# t.MaxFPS (default value is 60)
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [0, 0]
# r.VSync (default value is 1)
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [28.51, 28.51]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [35, 35]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [25, 25]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [40, 40]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [22.22, 22.22]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [45, 45]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [20, 20]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [50, 50]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [18.18, 18.18]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [55, 55]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [16.66, 16.66]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [0, 0]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# Hammerwatch Anniversary Edition 1.0.2
# BID: 62B999CF9D465F00
unsafeCheck: true
# Rewrite "v_fps_limit 30" to 62
type: bytes
main_offset: 0x805BEC
value_type: uint16
value: 0x3236
# Change egl Interval to lock game by default to 30 FPS
type: bytes
main_offset: 0x1461F8
value_type: uint32
value: 0x52800041
type: bytes
main_offset: 0x146220
value_type: uint32
value: 0x52800041
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x179C0E0]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x179C0E0]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x179C0E0]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x179C0E0]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x179C0E0]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x179C0E0]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x179C0E0]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x179C0E0]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x179C0E0]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x179C0E0]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# Hammerwatch 2 1.0.2
# BID: 77DDECED11491422
unsafeCheck: true
# Rewrite "v_fps_limit 30" to 62
type: bytes
main_offset: 0x805B29
value_type: uint16
value: 0x3236
# Change egl Interval to lock game by default to 30 FPS
type: bytes
main_offset: 0x1461C8
value_type: uint32
value: 0x52800041
type: bytes
main_offset: 0x1461F0
value_type: uint32
value: 0x52800041
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x17F2AC8]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x17F2AC8]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x17F2AC8]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x17F2AC8]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x17F2AC8]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x17F2AC8]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x17F2AC8]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x17F2AC8]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x17F2AC8]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x17F2AC8]
value_type: uint8
value: 0
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
# Twilight Survivors 0.2
# BID: C8E123AFDB73E936
unsafeCheck: true
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6483898, 0]
value_type: float
value: [15, 15]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x5C870A8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
type: block
what: timing
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6483898, 0]
value_type: float
value: [20, 20]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x5C870A8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
type: block
what: timing
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6483898, 0]
value_type: float
value: [25, 25]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x5C870A8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
type: block
what: timing
# t.MaxFPS (default value)
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6483898, 0]
value_type: float
value: [0, 0]
# r.VSync (default is 1)
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x5C870A8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6483898, 0]
value_type: float
value: [35, 35]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x5C870A8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
type: block
what: timing
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6483898, 0]
value_type: float
value: [40, 40]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x5C870A8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
type: block
what: timing
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6483898, 0]
value_type: float
value: [45, 45]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x5C870A8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
type: block
what: timing
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6483898, 0]
value_type: float
value: [50, 50]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x5C870A8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
type: block
what: timing
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6483898, 0]
value_type: float
value: [55, 55]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x5C870A8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
type: block
what: timing
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x6483898, 0]
value_type: float
value: [0, 0]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x5C870A8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
# No Man's Sky 4.6.4
# BID: 48391605F5BDF634
unsafeCheck: true
# Redirect DR frametime target to MAIN+0x4A96400
type: bytes
main_offset: 0x1E5595C
value_type: uint32
value: 0xD503201F
type: bytes
main_offset: 0x1E55968
value_type: uint32
- 0xB0016212
- 0xB9400408
- 0xBD44024B
# default value
type: bytes
main_offset: 0x4A96400
value_type: float
value: 33.3333333333
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x4A96400]
value_type: float
value: 66.6666666666
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x4A96400]
value_type: float
value: 50
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x4A96400]
value_type: float
value: 40
# default value
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x4A96400]
value_type: float
value: 33.3333333333
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x4A96400]
value_type: float
value: 28.5714
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x4A96400]
value_type: float
value: 25
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x4A96400]
value_type: float
value: 22.2222222222
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x4A96400]
value_type: float
value: 20
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x4A96400]
value_type: float
value: 18.1818181818
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x4A96400]
value_type: float
value: 16.6666666666
@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
# Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash EUR 1.0.2
# BID: EA01C4BA969E8159
unsafeCheck: true
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget (1000/FPS) rounded to 2 decimals
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [66.66, 66.66]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [15, 15]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [50, 50]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [20, 20]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [40, 40]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [25, 25]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget (default value)
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [33.33, 33.33]
# t.MaxFPS (default value is 60)
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [0, 0]
# r.VSync (default value is 1)
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [28.51, 28.51]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [35, 35]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [25, 25]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [40, 40]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [22.22, 22.22]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [45, 45]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [20, 20]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [50, 50]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [18.18, 18.18]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [55, 55]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
type: block
what: timing
# r.DynamicRes.FrameTimeBudget
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8014A48, 0]
value_type: float
value: [16.66, 16.66]
# t.MaxFPS
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x8057F50, 0]
value_type: float
value: [0, 0]
# r.VSync
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x73990C8, 0]
value_type: uint32
value: [0, 0]
# Disable bUseFixedFrameRate
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x80577A8, 0x9C4]
value_type: uint32
value: 7
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# EA SPORTS FC 24 1.57.20c8
# BID: B66D2F51A32F54A5
unsafeCheck: true
# Internal FPS Lock
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0xCD73E20, 8]
value_type: double
value: 15
# Internal FPS Lock
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0xCD73E20, 8]
value_type: double
value: 20
# Internal FPS Lock
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0xCD73E20, 8]
value_type: double
value: 25
type: block
what: timing
# Internal FPS Lock (default value is 30)
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0xCD73E20, 8]
value_type: double
value: 30
# Internal FPS Lock
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0xCD73E20, 8]
value_type: double
value: 35
type: block
what: timing
# Internal FPS Lock
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0xCD73E20, 8]
value_type: double
value: 40
type: block
what: timing
# Internal FPS Lock
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0xCD73E20, 8]
value_type: double
value: 45
type: block
what: timing
# Internal FPS Lock
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0xCD73E20, 8]
value_type: double
value: 50
type: block
what: timing
# Internal FPS Lock
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0xCD73E20, 8]
value_type: double
value: 55
type: block
what: timing
# Internal FPS Lock
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0xCD73E20, 8]
value_type: double
value: 60
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
# SnowRunner 1.0.30
# BID: 174309E9B55533B9
# Just search for 0x42055555
unsafeCheck: true
# Redirect DR frametime target to MAIN+0x353C1E8
type: bytes
main_offset: 0x18810F4
value_type: uint32
- 0xF000E5CA
- 0xBD41E942
# default value
type: bytes
main_offset: 0x353C1E8
value_type: float
value: 33.3333333333
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x353C1E8]
value_type: float
value: 66.6666666666
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x353C1E8]
value_type: float
value: 50
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x353C1E8]
value_type: float
value: 40
# default value
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x353C1E8]
value_type: float
value: 33.3333333333
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x353C1E8]
value_type: float
value: 28.5714
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x353C1E8]
value_type: float
value: 25
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x353C1E8]
value_type: float
value: 22.2222222222
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x353C1E8]
value_type: float
value: 20
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x353C1E8]
value_type: float
value: 18.1818181818
type: write
address: [MAIN, 0x353C1E8]
value_type: float
value: 16.6666666666
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -8,17 +8,7 @@ footer = Default
mode = option
grouping = default
[*Loader Kip]
footer = Meha
mode = option
grouping = default
[*Status Monitor]
footer = Ultra
mode = option
grouping = default
footer = Normal-
mode = option
grouping = default
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"ams": {
"[PACK] Ultra-NX 2.1|RC1 HOS 18": "https://github.com/Ultra-NX/Ultra/releases/download/2.1-R1/Ultra.zip",
"[PACK] Ultra-NX 2.0|R4 HOS <17": "https://github.com/Ultra-NX/Ultra/releases/latest/download/Ultra.zip"
"[PACK] Ultra 2.1 Release Candidate 2 - up to 18 HOS": "https://github.com/Ultra-NX/Ultra/releases/latest/download/Ultra.zip",
"[PACK] Ultra 2.0 Release 4 - Stable, up to 17 HOS": "https://github.com/Ultra-NX/Ultra/releases/download/2.0-R4/Ultra.zip"
"misc": {
"Brick Code": "https://github.com/Ultra-NX/Ultra-Resources/raw/main/brick.zip",
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
@ -2,4 +2,23 @@
patch_sysmmc=0 ; 1=(default) patch sysmmc, 0=don't patch sysmmc
patch_emummc=1 ; 1=(default) patch emummc, 0=don't patch emummc
enable_logging=1 ; 1=(default) output /config/sys-patch/log.ini 0=no log
version_skip=1 ; 1=(default) skips out of date patterns, 0=search all patterns
version_skip=1 ; 1=(default) skips out of date patterns, 0=search all patterns
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
clock_color = #FFFFFF
battery_color = #FFFFFF
bg_alpha = 13
bg_color = #000000
seperator_alpha = 0
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text_color = #FFFFFF
info_text_color = #FFFFFF
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dynamic_logo_color_2 = #8080EA
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user