Since github dropped TSL1.1 things like multiupdater and such will no longer work for downloading from github, so the note about multiupdater is now pointless.
~Updated Plugin loader and Action replay to the latest release!
~re-zipped both the above to .rars to support MultiUpdater
~Updated the readme to reflect the latest update.
~Updated the ActionReplayCodeTypes
NOTE: If something is wrong, either let me know or send a pull request with a fix! please and thank you :D
~Fixes up a bunch of folder names.
With this push everything that is can be done is done. I will keep an eye out for new cheats, ontop of keeping an eye on fort42 to see if it ever starts working again, but in the meantime if anyone wants to start contributing they can ^_^
~With this push, I have now finished up the last of the cheats from the 22-December Fort42 dump. All that is left now is for me to go through and fix up folder names a bit.
Add a few things to readme
Copy cheats from GBATemp thread.
Still working on Fort42 Dump (This will take either a few hours or a few days, depending on how much time I feel like putting into this per day)