<b>If you have gateshark codes please help contribute to [Sharkive](https://github.com/BernardoGiordano/Sharkive) . I am a Collaborator on Sharkive so any code changes moving forward will be reflected between this repository and sharkive</b>
3. Rename any existing `boot.firm` in the root of your SD card to `boot.firm.bak` in case you want to go back, then drag the `boot.firm` from `Luma3DS 9.0 - Plugin loader.zip` into the root of your SD card
5. Either download or clone this repository or search in the cheats folder for the game you want to cheat on and download the `.txt` file in the folder
7. Use your button combo to load up `rosalina menu` (default is usually `L+Down+select`) and enable `plugin loader` if it isn't already and then load up your game
5. Either download or clone this repository or search in the cheats folder for the game you want to cheat on and download the `.txt` file in the folder
After following either of the above you can look at this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2258P9wKkA) to see how to use the editor and create codes and/or you can follow below.
10. For `N3DS` only: Pressing `ZL` Will `copy` the currently chosen line of code to be pasted using `L` or `R`, And Pressing `ZR` will `Clear the Clipboard`
11. When done Adding/Editing code, Press `B` to go back and Press `A` to `Mark a Check/Activate` the cheat, and leave the cheat menu and see if the cheat works
- codes that the CTRPF AR supports(Same as Gateshark but with more options!): [link](https://github.com/JourneyOver/CTRPF-AR-CHEAT-CODES/blob/master/ActionReplayCodeTypes.txt)
- NOTE: I didn't create these cheats, and some cheats might not work.
- If a cheat is not working, it just means that the cheat is wrong: no support will be done for cheats not working, I'm not here to fix all cheats, if you need help with broken codes either make an issue or add a comment in this [thread](https://gbatemp.net/threads/database-ctrpf-ar-cheat-codes.493220/) and somebody may be able to help you. Thank you!
- No, you don't/shouldn't use both if you already have 1 .txt file for the game in one of the directories. You only need either a `cheats.txt` or `<Title ID of the game>.txt` for a game not both.
5. Make sure your using only 1 `CTRPF (AR) Plugin`! And No Other Plugins included alongside it! (Such as `Gateshark2NTR`, `libshark2NTR` or any other `Plugins`).
7. If you can't find a game you are looking for, you can try [Max Cheats](https://www.max-cheats.com) or [GameHacking](https://gamehacking.org/system/3ds) and see if they possibly have it.
8. If by chance you can't get `CTRPluginFramework` to come up after loading the game and having `plugin loaded` show, try using the `ActionReplay_ALT`.
- Games - Inazuma Eleven 3 (EUR), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (USA) and (EUR), Shovel Knight (EUR) and (USA), LBX - Little Battlers eXperience (EUR) have 2 different `.txt` files. I Need to look into this.