#!/bin/sh auto_ssh_dir="/data/auto_ssh" host_key="/etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key" host_key_bk="${auto_ssh_dir}/dropbear_rsa_host_key" unlock() { # Restore the host key. [ -f $host_key_bk ] && ln -sf $host_key_bk $host_key # Enable telnet, ssh, uart and boot_wait. [ "$(nvram get telnet_en)" = 0 ] && nvram set telnet_en=1 && nvram commit [ "$(nvram get ssh_en)" = 0 ] && nvram set ssh_en=1 && nvram commit [ "$(nvram get uart_en)" = 0 ] && nvram set uart_en=1 && nvram commit [ "$(nvram get boot_wait)" = "off" ] && nvram set boot_wait=on && nvram commit [ "$(uci -c /usr/share/xiaoqiang get xiaoqiang_version.version.CHANNEL)" != 'stable' ] && { uci -c /usr/share/xiaoqiang set xiaoqiang_version.version.CHANNEL='stable' uci -c /usr/share/xiaoqiang commit xiaoqiang_version.version 2>/dev/null } channel=$(/sbin/uci get /usr/share/xiaoqiang/xiaoqiang_version.version.CHANNEL) if [ "$channel" = "release" ]; then sed -i 's/channel=.*/channel="debug"/g' /etc/init.d/dropbear fi if [ -z "$(pidof dropbear)" -o -z "$(netstat -ntul | grep :22)" ]; then /etc/init.d/dropbear restart 2>/dev/null /etc/init.d/dropbear enable fi } install() { # unlock SSH. unlock # host key is empty, restart dropbear to generate the host key. [ -s $host_key ] || /etc/init.d/dropbear restart 2>/dev/null # Backup the host key. if [ ! -s $host_key_bk ]; then i=0 while [ $i -le 30 ]; do if [ -s $host_key ]; then cp -f $host_key $host_key_bk 2>/dev/null break fi let i++ sleep 1s done fi # Add script to system autostart uci set firewall.auto_ssh=include uci set firewall.auto_ssh.type='script' uci set firewall.auto_ssh.path="${auto_ssh_dir}/auto_ssh.sh" uci set firewall.auto_ssh.enabled='1' uci commit firewall echo -e "\033[32m SSH unlock complete. \033[0m" } uninstall() { # Remove scripts from system autostart uci delete firewall.auto_ssh uci commit firewall echo -e "\033[33m SSH unlock has been removed. \033[0m" } main() { [ -z "$1" ] && unlock && return case "$1" in install) install ;; uninstall) uninstall ;; *) echo -e "\033[31m Unknown parameter: $1 \033[0m" return 1 ;; esac } main "$@"