let enUS = { "pageTitle" : "Nintendo Switch Payload Loader", "pageSubtitle" : "Fusee Launcher ported to JavaScript using WebUSB.", "dangerDanger" :"This is moderately tested. Although no issues have been discovered, I'm not responsible if anything goes wrong!", "warningWindows" :"This does NOT work on Windows due to a limitation in the Chrome implementation of WebUSB (and probably other reasons!)", "warningBrowser" :"This does NOT currently work on any browser but Chrome, because they don't implement WebUSB.", "warningLinux" :"On Linux, you might get an 'Access Denied' or 'No Compatible Device' error on the Connect dialog! If you do, you can try creating a file at /etc/udev/rules.d/50-switch.rulesWith the following contents:
SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ATTR{idVendor}==\"0955\", MODE=\"0664\", GROUP=\"plugdev\"", "warningTested" :"This has been tested and appears to work on Linux, OSX, Android (unrooted) and Chromebooks. Your mileage may vary.", "labelInstructions" :"Instructions:", "liRCM" :"Put the Switch in RCM, and connect it to your device.", "liSelect" :"Select either the example payload, or upload one.", "liPress" :"Press 'Deliver Payload!'", "liAPX" :"On the consent screen that appears, select 'APX' and hit 'Connect'.", "liLaunch" :"If all goes well, the payload will launch!", "labelContribute" :"If you would like to help adding another translation or updating/adding a payload, check this.", "h1SetupDelivery" :"Setup Payload Delivery", "h4SelectPayload" :"Select Payload:", "optionAtmosphere" :"Atmosphère 0.8.3", "optionSXOS" :"SX OS (All Versions)", "optionReiNX" :"ReiNX 2.0", "optionCTCaerHekate" :"CTCaer's Hekate Mod v4.6", "optionFusee" :"(Re)Switched test payload (fusee)", "optionUpload" :"Upload Payload", "h3Log" :"Log:", "h4GetByteArray" :"Get payload byte array (don't sploit)", "goButton" :"Deliver Payload!", "clearlogsbutton" :"Clear Logs", "disclaimer1" :'Source can be found on GitHub (or by hitting view source, there is no backend!).', "disclaimer2" :'Ported from fusee-launcher.', "disclaimer3" :'Thanks to ktemkin and ReSwitched, as well as
Atlas44 and his website as a beginning point for this one.', "disclaimer4" :'Lastly, thanks to ElijahZAwesome for creating, maintaining and tranferring the project, falquinho for the new bootstrap layout and portuguese translation, Filo97 for the italian translation, tumGER for his german and russian translations, Lord_Friky for the spanish translation, Lorek for the polish translation and Rakau for the chinese translations.' }