let enUS = { "pageTitle" : "Nintendo Switch Payload Loader", "pageSubtitle" : "Fusee Launcher ported to JavaScript using WebUSB.", "dangerDanger" :"This is moderately tested. Although no issues have been discovered, I'm not responsible if anything goes wrong!", "warningWindows" :"This does NOT work on Windows due to a limitation in the Chrome implementation of WebUSB (and probably other reasons!)", "warningBrowser" :"This does NOT currently work on any browser but Chrome, because they don't implement WebUSB.", "warningLinux" :"On Linux, you might get an 'Access Denied' or 'No Compatible Device' error on the Connect dialog! If you do, you can try creating a file at <code>/etc/udev/rules.d/50-switch.rules</code>With the following contents:<br><code>SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ATTR{idVendor}==\"0955\", MODE=\"0664\", GROUP=\"plugdev\"</code>", "warningTested" :"This has been tested and appears to work on Linux, OSX, Android (unrooted) and Chromebooks. Your mileage may vary.", "labelInstructions" :"Instructions:", "liRCM" :"Put the Switch in RCM, and connect it to your device.", "liSelect" :"Select either the example payload, or upload one.", "liPress" :"Press 'Deliver Payload!'", "liAPX" :"On the consent screen that appears, select 'APX' and hit 'Connect'.", "liLaunch" :"If all goes well, the payload will launch!", "h1SetupDelivery" :"Setup Payload Delivery", "h4SelectPayload" :"Select Payload:", "optionCTCaerHekate" :"CTCaer's Hekate Mod v3.0 (All Firmwares)", "optionFusee" :"(Re)Switched test payload (fusee)", "optionSXOS" :"SX OS (All Firmwares)", "optionUpload" :"Upload Payload", "h4GetByteArray" :"Get payload byte array (don't sploit)", "goButton" :"Deliver Payload!", "clearlogsbutton" :"Clear Logs", "disclaimer1" :'Source can be found on <a href="https://github.com/ElijahZAwesome/web-cfw-loader/">GitHub</a> (or by hitting view source, there is no backend!).', "disclaimer2" :'Ported from <a href="https://github.com/reswitched/fusee-launcher">fusee-launcher</a>.', "disclaimer3" :'Thanks to ktemkin and ReSwitched, as well as <br><a href="https://atlas44.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/web-fusee-launcher/index.html">Atlas44 and his website</a> as a beginning point for this one.', "disclaimer4" :'Lastly, thanks to <a href="https://github.com/falquinho">falquinho</a> for the new bootstrap layout and portuguese translation, <a href="https://github.com/thomleg50">thomleg50</a> for the french translation, <a href="https://github.com/Filo97">Filo97</a> for the italian translation, <a href="https://github.com/tumGER">tumGER</a> for his german translation, <a href="https://github.com/lordfriky">Lord_Friky</a> for the spanish translation, and <a href="https://github.com/lorek123">Lorek</a> for the polish translation.' }