diff --git a/i18n.js b/i18n.js
index 9be93de..190ae72 100644
--- a/i18n.js
+++ b/i18n.js
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@ function setPageLanguage(lang) {
else if (lang === "pl-PL")
langObj = plPL;
+ else if (lang === "zh-CN")
+ langObj = zhCN;
+ else if (lang === "zh-TW")
+ langObj = zhTW;
langObj = enUS;
diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN.js b/i18n/zh-CN.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8db23e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/zh-CN.js
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+let zhCN = {
+ "pageTitle" : "任天堂 Switch Payload 网页加载器",
+ "pageSubtitle" : "Fusee Launcher利用WebUSB移植在JavaScript上",
+ "dangerUpload" :"由于不可抗拒的原因,上传的Payload不起作用,目前我现在正在解决这个问题",
+ "dangerDanger" :"这是实验性的测试项目,目前虽然没有发现任何问题,但如果有任何问题发生,我不负责!",
+ "warningWindows" :"由于WebUSB在Chrome上功能受到限制(可能还有其他原因),暂不支持Windows系统。",
+ "warningBrowser" :"除了Chrome浏览器外,其余浏览器无法使用WebUSB",
+ "warningLinux" :"在Linux上,你可能会在Connect对话框中看到“Access Denied”或“No Compatible Device”的错误!如果条件允许,你可以尝试在/etc/udev/rules.d/50-switch.rules
创建一个文件,添加内容如下:SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ATTR{idVendor}==\"0955\", MODE=\"0664\", GROUP=\"plugdev\"
+ "warningTested" :"已测试可以在Linux、OSX、Android(无Root权限)和chromebook上使用,可能你的情况稍有不同",
+ "labelInstructions" :"说明:",
+ "liRCM" :"Switch进入RCM模式并且设备已经连接完毕",
+ "liSelect" :"选择一个适合自己的Payload,或者你自己上传一个",
+ "liPress" :"点击 '传递 Payload!'",
+ "liAPX" :"在出现的对话框里,选择“APX”并点击“Connect”(Android系统可能会自动加载)",
+ "liLaunch" :"如果一切顺利,Payload将成功加载!",
+ "h1SetupDelivery" :"部署 Payload",
+ "h4SelectPayload" :"选择 Payload:",
+ "optionCTCaerHekate" :"CTCaer's Hekate Mod v3.0 (全版本)",
+ "optionFusee" :"(Re)Switched test payload (fusee)",
+ "optionSXOS" :"SX OS (全版本)",
+ "optionUpload" :"上传 Payload",
+ "h4GetByteArray" :"获取Payload byte array (无Sploit)",
+ "goButton" :"传递 Payload!",
+ "clearlogsbutton" :"清除日志",
+ "disclaimer1" :'Source can be found on GitHub (or by hitting view source, there is no backend!).',
+ "disclaimer2" :'Ported from fusee-launcher.',
+ "disclaimer3" :'Thanks to ktemkin and ReSwitched, as well as
Atlas44 and his website as a beginning point for this one.',
+ "disclaimer4" :'Lastly, thanks to falquinho for the new bootstrap layout and portuguese translation, Filo97 for the italian translation, tumGER for his german translation, and Lord_Friky for the spanish translation.'
diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW.js b/i18n/zh-TW.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..284e237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/zh-TW.js
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+let zhTW = {
+ "pageTitle" : "任天堂 Switch Payload 網頁加載器",
+ "pageSubtitle" : "Fusee Launcher利用WebUSB移植在JavaScript上",
+ "dangerUpload" :"由於不可抗拒的原因,上傳的Payload不起作用,目前我現在正在解決這個問題",
+ "dangerDanger" :"這是實驗性的測試項目,目前雖然沒有發現任何問題,但如果有任何問題發生,我不負責!",
+ "warningWindows" :"由於WebUSB在Chrome上功能受到限制(可能還有其他原因),暫不支持Windows系統。",
+ "warningBrowser" :"除了Chrome瀏覽器外,其余瀏覽器無法使用WebUSB",
+ "warningLinux" :"在Linux上,你可能會在Connect對話框中看到“Access Denied”或“No Compatible Device”的錯誤!如果條件允許,你可以嘗試在/etc/udev/rules.d/50-switch.rules
創建壹個文件,添加內容如下:SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ATTR{idVendor}==\"0955\", MODE=\"0664\", GROUP=\"plugdev\"
+ "warningTested" :"已測試可以在Linux、OSX、Android(無Root權限)和chromebook上使用,可能你的情況稍有不同",
+ "labelInstructions" :"說明:",
+ "liRCM" :"Switch進入RCM模式並且設備已經連接完畢",
+ "liSelect" :"選擇壹個適合自己的Payload,或者你自己上傳壹個",
+ "liPress" :"點擊 '傳遞 Payload!'",
+ "liAPX" :"在出現的對話框裏,選擇“APX”並點擊“Connect”(Android系統可能會自動加載)",
+ "liLaunch" :"如果壹切順利,Payload將成功加載!",
+ "h1SetupDelivery" :"部署 Payload",
+ "h4SelectPayload" :"選擇 Payload:",
+ "optionCTCaerHekate" :"CTCaer's Hekate Mod v3.0 (全版本)",
+ "optionFusee" :"(Re)Switched test payload (fusee)",
+ "optionSXOS" :"SX OS (全版本)",
+ "optionUpload" :"上傳Payload",
+ "h4GetByteArray" :"獲取Payload byte array (無Sploit)",
+ "goButton" :"傳遞Payload!",
+ "clearlogsbutton" :"清除日誌",
+ "disclaimer1" :'Source can be found on GitHub (or by hitting view source, there is no backend!).',
+ "disclaimer2" :'Ported from fusee-launcher.',
+ "disclaimer3" :'Thanks to ktemkin and ReSwitched, as well as
Atlas44 and his website as a beginning point for this one.',
+ "disclaimer4" :'Lastly, thanks to falquinho for the new bootstrap layout and portuguese translation, Filo97 for the italian translation, tumGER for his german translation, and Lord_Friky for the spanish translation.'
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 20d8ad3..24b6f8d 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
@@ -45,6 +47,9 @@
+ 简体中文
+ 繁体中文