# The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie 1.0.3 # BID: BC3750610F6BCA5C unsafeCheck: true MASTER_WRITE: # Read FPS lock time to MAIN+0x7A52500 - type: bytes main_offset: 0x8142C value_type: uint32 value: - 0xB003CE88 - 0xB9450108 - type: bytes main_offset: 0x81460 value_type: uint32 value: - 0xB003CE89 - 0xB9450129 # Default value - type: bytes main_offset: 0x7A52500 value_type: float value: 0.0333333333 # Write game's loop time as float to MAIN+0x7A52504 - type: bytes main_offset: 0x81434 value_type: uint32 value: 0x94339A8B - type: bytes main_offset: 0xD67E60 value_type: uint32 value: - 0x1E227821 - 0xF0036754 - 0xBD050681 - 0xD65F03C0 - # Read lowest timing float factor from MAIN+0x7A52504 type: bytes main_offset: 0x814D0 value_type: uint32 value: - 0xB003CE8B - 0xB945056B - # Default value type: bytes main_offset: 0x7A52504 value_type: float value: 0.0333333333 15FPS: - type: write address: [MAIN, 0x7A52500] value_type: float value: 0.0666666666 20FPS: - type: write address: [MAIN, 0x7A52500] value_type: float value: 0.05 25FPS: - type: write address: [MAIN, 0x7A52500] value_type: float value: 0.04 - type: block what: timing 30FPS: - # default value type: write address: [MAIN, 0x7A52500] value_type: float value: 0.0333333333 35FPS: - type: write address: [MAIN, 0x7A52500] value_type: float value: 0.028571428 - type: block what: timing 40FPS: - type: write address: [MAIN, 0x7A52500] value_type: float value: 0.025 - type: block what: timing 45FPS: - type: write address: [MAIN, 0x7A52500] value_type: float value: 0.0222222222 - type: block what: timing 50FPS: - type: write address: [MAIN, 0x7A52500] value_type: float value: 0.02 - type: block what: timing 55FPS: - type: write address: [MAIN, 0x7A52500] value_type: float value: 0.0181818181 - type: block what: timing 60FPS: - type: write address: [MAIN, 0x7A52500] value_type: float value: 0.0166666666