# Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter 1.0.0 # BID: 2B37ED2A971948F3 unsafeCheck: true MASTER_WRITE: # Redirect Dynamic Resolution timings to MAIN + 0x3189F00 # 38.0 - type: bytes main_offset: 0xFFEAFC value_type: uint32 value: - 0xF0010C4A - 0xBD4F0141 # 22.0 - type: bytes main_offset: 0xFFEB0C value_type: uint32 value: - 0xBD4F0541 # 43.5 - type: bytes main_offset: 0xFFEAD4 value_type: uint32 value: - 0xF0010C4A - 0xBD4F0941 # 58.0 - type: bytes main_offset: 0xFFEAE4 value_type: uint32 value: - 0xF0010C4A - 0xBD4F0D41 # 47.0 | 34.0 - type: bytes main_offset: 0xFFEB20 value_type: uint32 value: - 0xF0010C4B - 0xBD4F1161 - 0xB94F156C # Default values: - type: bytes main_offset: 0x3189F00 value_type: float value: [38.0, 22.0, 43.5, 58.0, 47.0, 34.0] ALL_FPS: # UGameEngine::GetMaxTickRate() # Bool Lock FPS - type: write address: [MAIN, 0x30D1B7C] value_type: uint8 value: 0 # Dynamic Resolution - type: evaluate_write address: [MAIN, 0x3189F00] value_type: float value: ["(38.0 / (1000/30)) * FRAMETIME_TARGET", "(22.0 / (1000/30)) * FRAMETIME_TARGET", "(43.5 / (1000/30)) * FRAMETIME_TARGET", "(58.0 / (1000/30)) * FRAMETIME_TARGET", "(47.0 / (1000/30)) * FRAMETIME_TARGET", "(34.0 / (1000/30)) * FRAMETIME_TARGET"]