mirror of
synced 2025-01-29 13:01:27 +00:00
Files are now organized into subdirectories based on manufacturer/brand. Where possible, files have been updated to a naming standard: Example: "Brand_Model.ir" These changes should allow for faster finding of necessary files, and the naming standard should keep things fairly cohesive across the board. This is a proposed change and I'm absolutely open to feedback to make it better before merging- thanks!
51 lines
3.9 KiB
51 lines
3.9 KiB
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: Power
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 1004 1513 481 515 487 1478 516 505 487 510 482 1484 510 1481 513 508 484 512 490 1475 509 513 489 1477 507 1484 510 511 481 515 487 1479 515 1474 510 50774 1005 1484 510 513 489 1476 508 513 489 508 484 1482 512 1479 515 506 486 511 481 1483 511 512 490 1475 509 1483 511 510 482 515 487 1504 490 1475 509 50777 1013 1503 491 506 486 1505 489 507 485 512 490 1501 483 1508 486 510 482 514 488 1503 481 515 487 1504 490 1500 484 512 490 506 486 1506 488 1502 482
name: Vol_up
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 1014 1477 517 478 514 509 483 487 515 480 512 484 508 488 514 1479 515 1476 508 1483 511 1481 513 1478 516 1475 509 1482 512 1479 515 480 512 483 509 50775 1014 1477 517 504 488 508 484 513 489 506 486 510 482 514 488 1478 516 1475 509 1483 511 1480 514 1477 517 1474 510 1482 512 1478 516 505 487 509 483 50770 1009 1481 513 508 484 512 490 506 486 510 482 514 488 508 484 1481 513 1478 516 1475 509 1483 511 1480 514 1477 517 1475 509 1482 512 509 483 513 489
name: Vol_down
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 1010 1508 486 509 483 513 489 507 485 512 490 505 487 510 482 1509 485 511 491 1501 483 1509 485 1507 487 1504 490 1502 482 1509 485 511 491 1500 484 50779 1010 1506 488 508 484 512 490 505 487 509 483 513 489 506 486 1506 488 507 485 1506 488 1503 481 1510 484 1508 486 1505 489 1503 481 514 488 1503 491
name: Mute
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 1014 1477 507 514 488 508 484 512 490 505 487 509 483 513 489 507 485 1480 514 1477 517 1475 509 1483 511 1480 514 1477 517 1475 509 1482 512 508 484 50774 1004 1486 508 513 489 507 485 511 491 504 488 508 484 513 489 505 487 1479 515 1476 508 1484 510 1481 513 1478 516 1475 509 1482 512 1480 514 507 485 50771 1007 1507 487 509 483 513 489 507 485 511 481 515 487 508 484 513 489 1502 482 1483 511 1481 513 1479 515 1476 508 1484 510 1481 513 1478 516 506 486
name: Bluetooth
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 1009 1510 484 1506 488 508 484 512 490 506 486 510 482 514 488 508 484 1508 486 510 482 1510 484 1507 487 1504 490 1502 482 1509 485 1506 488 507 485 50773 1005 1511 483 1507 487 509 483 513 489 506 486 510 482 514 488 508 484 1506 488 508 484 1507 487 1504 490 1501 483 1509 485 1506 488 1503 481 514 488
name: Source
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 1005 1511 483 513 489 507 485 511 491 506 486 1505 489 1503 481 1510 484 512 490 1501 483 1509 485 1506 488 1502 482 514 488 508 484 513 489 1501 483 50776 1009 1508 486 510 482 514 488 508 484 513 489 1503 481 1510 484 1508 486 510 482 1510 484 1507 487 1505 489 1502 482 514 488 508 484 512 490 1500 484 50771 1004 1512 482 514 488 508 484 512 490 506 486 1505 489 1502 482 1509 485 512 490 1500 484 1508 486 1505 489 1501 483 513 489 507 485 512 490 1499 485
name: Bass
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 1005 1512 482 1508 486 510 482 514 488 508 484 512 490 506 486 1504 490 506 486 510 482 1509 485 1506 488 1503 481 1510 484 1507 487 509 483 1507 487 50765 1010 1504 490 1502 482 514 488 508 484 512 490 505 487 508 484 1508 486 510 482 513 489 1502 482 1509 485 1506 488 1503 481 1511 483 512 490 1501 483 50773 1012 1503 481 1510 484 511 491 505 487 509 483 513 489 507 485 1506 488 507 485 512 490 1501 483 1508 486 1505 489 1502 482 1509 485 511 491 1501 483
name: Other
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 1008 1510 484 1507 487 509 483 513 489 507 485 511 481 515 487 508 484 512 490 506 486 1505 489 1502 482 1510 484 1507 487 1504 490 1501 483 1507 487 50768 1014 1501 483 1509 485 511 491 505 487 509 483 513 489 506 486 510 482 514 488 506 486 1506 488 1502 482 1510 484 1507 487 1504 490 1502 482 1509 485 50767 1005 1509 485 1506 488 507 485 511 491 505 487 509 483 512 490 506 486 509 483 514 488 1503 481 1510 484 1507 487 1504 490 1500 484 1508 486 1505 489