Added GP Xmas Lights (Thanks Lunardr4gn!)

amec0e 2023-01-13 16:07:57 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent d9d53f5ff5
commit b2c3b3f410
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 116 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: Gp_on
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 9197 4309 746 387 637 1605 691 443 692 442 692 442 636 497 637 496 638 496 638 1604 638 496 663 1579 663 1580 661 1582 660 1583 659 1585 657 1609 633 501 633 501 633 501 633 501 633 501 633 501 633 501 633 501 633 1609 632 1609 633 1586 656 1585 657 1585 657 1585 657 1585 657 1584 657 39700 9109 2156 658 95953 9107 2157 659
name: Gp_off
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 02 00 00 00
command: 02 00 00 00
name: Gp_timer_off
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 9197 4307 746 387 746 1495 691 443 691 443 690 443 689 444 636 497 636 497 637 1604 637 496 637 1604 637 1603 638 1603 638 1604 637 1603 638 1604 637 1604 637 496 637 497 661 473 661 473 660 473 660 473 660 474 660 474 659 1582 659 1581 660 1581 660 1582 659 1581 660 1581 660 1581 659 39685 9111 2153 659 95935 9106 2154 659 95945 9107 2154 658
name: Gp_6h_timer
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 9111 4395 688 473 637 1576 680 483 637 496 638 497 662 471 663 470 663 471 662 1580 660 474 660 1583 659 1584 658 1584 658 1584 658 1584 658 1584 658 476 658 476 658 1584 658 476 658 476 658 476 658 476 658 476 658 1585 657 1585 657 476 658 1584 658 1584 658 1585 657 1584 658 1584 658 39706 9108 2157 659
name: Gp_8h_timer
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 02 00 00 00
command: 05 00 00 00
name: Gp_6639h_timer
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 02 00 00 00
command: 06 00 00 00
name: Gp_1
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 9115 4398 688 473 638 1577 666 496 638 496 638 496 664 471 664 469 664 470 663 1580 662 473 661 1583 660 1584 659 1584 659 1584 659 1584 659 1584 659 475 659 475 659 475 659 1584 659 475 659 475 659 475 659 475 660 1584 659 1584 659 1584 659 475 659 1585 658 1584 659 1584 659 1584 659 39723 9110 2159 660 96022 9110 2159 659 96020 9111 2157 659
name: Gp_2
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 9202 4312 747 387 692 1551 693 442 693 442 638 496 638 496 638 496 639 495 665 1579 665 470 663 1581 662 1582 661 1583 660 1585 658 1585 659 1585 659 1586 658 476 659 476 659 1584 660 476 658 475 660 475 660 475 660 475 660 1585 659 1584 659 475 660 1584 659 1584 659 1584 659 1584 659 39729 9112 2157 660
name: Gp_3
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 02 00 00 00
command: 0A 00 00 00
name: Gp_4
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 02 00 00 00
command: 0C 00 00 00
name: Gp_5
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 9144 4364 692 441 693 1550 639 496 638 496 638 496 638 495 639 495 639 494 639 1603 639 495 639 1604 638 1605 637 1606 660 1582 636 1607 636 1607 635 1607 635 499 635 1607 635 1607 635 499 635 499 635 499 635 499 635 499 658 1585 635 499 660 475 659 1583 659 1584 659 1584 659 1584 658 39716 9117 2151 661 95999 9114 2149 663
name: Gp_6
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 9086 4417 637 496 691 1551 690 443 690 445 637 496 637 496 638 495 638 495 639 1602 639 494 639 1603 638 1603 638 1603 663 1579 663 1579 663 1579 663 472 662 1580 662 1581 661 1581 661 473 661 472 662 472 662 473 661 1581 660 473 661 473 661 473 660 1582 660 1581 661 1581 661 1581 661 39707 9112 2152 662 95989 9108 2156 660
name: Gp_7
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 9152 4367 693 470 664 1578 662 474 639 495 639 496 665 469 666 468 666 469 665 1579 663 472 662 1582 661 1583 660 1583 660 1583 660 1583 660 1583 660 474 661 474 661 474 661 474 661 1583 660 474 661 474 661 474 661 1583 660 1583 660 1583 660 1583 660 474 661 1583 660 1583 660 1583 660 39717 9123 2156 661 96009 9124 2156 661 96003 9125 2156 661
name: Gp_8
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 02 00 00 00
command: 11 00 00 00
name: Gp_9
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 9091 4417 638 496 692 1550 692 442 691 443 690 444 638 496 638 495 639 494 640 1602 640 494 639 1603 663 1579 664 1578 663 1579 663 1579 663 1580 662 473 661 1581 661 473 661 473 661 1581 661 473 661 473 661 473 661 1581 661 473 661 1582 660 1582 660 475 659 1583 659 1583 659 1583 659 39701 9114 2153 660 95970 9111 2154 661
name: Gp_10
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 02 00 00 00
command: 14 00 00 00
name: Gp_11
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 02 00 00 00
command: 16 00 00 00
name: Gp_brightness_dwn
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 9139 4368 689 447 687 1551 690 471 638 495 639 495 665 469 665 469 664 470 663 1579 661 473 660 1581 660 1582 660 1582 659 1582 660 1582 659 1582 660 474 660 474 660 474 660 1582 660 1582 659 474 660 474 659 474 660 1582 659 1582 660 1582 660 474 660 474 660 1582 659 1582 659 1582 659 39697 9111 2154 661
name: Gp_brightness_up
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 9173 4361 638 495 692 1550 692 442 692 442 691 442 638 496 637 495 639 495 639 1603 639 495 639 1603 639 1603 639 1603 664 1579 663 1579 663 1580 662 473 660 1582 660 499 635 1607 635 1608 634 500 634 499 635 499 635 1607 635 499 635 1584 658 476 658 475 659 1583 659 1583 659 1583 659 39706 9110 2157 660 95971 9134 2158 660