mirror of
synced 2025-01-14 13:51:26 +00:00
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: Power
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3087 1607 488 1064 517 335 492 1087 484 315 512 340 487 1091 490 336 491 338 489 1089 492 333 494 332 485 341 486 340 487 338 489 336 491 339 488 1090 491 334 493 1085 486 340 487 1091 490 1088 493 333 484 343 484 44227 178
name: Fan_speed
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3089 1578 516 1063 518 308 519 1058 513 314 513 313 514 1063 518 308 519 310 517 308 519 1059 512 314 513 313 514 311 516 310 517 309 518 311 516 336 491 1061 520 1058 512 313 514 1064 517 1061 520 306 521 306 521
name: Sleep
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3094 1599 485 1094 487 338 489 1089 492 334 493 332 485 1094 487 338 489 340 487 1092 489 310 517 335 492 333 494 332 485 341 486 339 488 341 486 1093 488 337 490 1088 493 333 494 1084 487 1092 489 337 490 337 490 44225 178
name: Eco
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3091 1603 491 1087 494 332 484 1093 488 338 489 337 490 1088 493 333 494 336 491 335 492 1085 486 1093 488 1064 517 336 491 335 492 334 493 336 491 335 492 1086 485 341 486 340 487 339 488 338 489 1089 492 335 492
name: Timer
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3092 1602 492 1059 512 341 486 1092 489 337 490 336 491 1087 494 332 485 344 493 1085 486 1093 488 1064 517 1061 520 333 494 332 484 341 486 343 484 1094 487 1091 490 336 491 335 492 334 493 333 484 1094 487 340 487
name: Display
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3094 1600 494 1084 487 339 488 1090 491 335 492 334 493 1085 486 340 487 342 485 1093 488 338 489 336 491 335 492 1086 485 341 486 340 487 342 485 1093 488 338 489 1088 493 333 494 332 485 341 486 1092 489 337 490
name: Up
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3086 1608 486 1092 489 337 490 1088 493 333 494 331 485 1093 488 338 489 340 487 1091 490 336 491 1087 494 332 484 341 486 339 488 338 489 340 487 1092 489 336 491 335 492 1086 485 1094 487 1091 490 337 490 336 491 44230 181
name: Down
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3084 1610 484 1093 488 338 489 1089 492 308 519 333 484 1094 487 339 488 341 486 339 488 1091 490 1088 493 333 494 331 486 340 487 339 488 341 486 339 488 1091 490 335 492 1086 485 1094 487 1090 491 309 518 335 492 44217 174
name: Auto
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3092 1576 518 1060 511 342 485 1093 488 338 489 337 490 1062 519 333 494 336 491 335 492 333 494 1084 487 340 487 339 488 338 489 336 491 339 488 337 490 336 491 335 492 1086 485 1094 487 1091 490 336 491 336 491
name: Fan_only
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3089 1579 515 1063 518 334 493 1085 486 340 487 339 488 1089 492 334 493 337 490 1087 494 332 484 1094 487 1065 516 336 491 335 492 334 493 336 491 1086 495 332 484 341 486 340 487 338 489 337 490 1088 493 334 493
name: Cool
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3086 1607 487 1091 490 335 492 1086 485 342 485 340 487 1091 490 336 491 338 489 337 490 1088 493 333 484 342 485 340 487 339 488 338 489 340 487 338 489 1089 492 1087 494 331 486 1093 488 1090 491 335 492 335 492 44222 181
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: Power
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 80 00 00 00
command: 1A 00 00 00
name: Flame_height
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 80 00 00 00
command: 01 00 00 00
name: Flame_speed
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 80 00 00 00
command: 03 00 00 00
name: Temp
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 80 00 00 00
command: 07 00 00 00
name: Timer
type: parsed
protocol: NEC
address: 80 00 00 00
command: 09 00 00 00
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: on_off
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 4555 4463 532 473 532 473 531 474 530 474 530 1478 531 1478 531 475 529 476 528 1482 551 1480 529 1480 528 1481 528 477 527 478 527 478 526 478 527 4498 526 477 527 477 527 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 527 478 526 1483 527 1483 526 1483 526 478 526 1483 527 1483 527 1483 526 1483 526 478 526 478 527 478 527 1484 526 55527 4527 4492 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 479 526 1483 527 1483 526 478 526 478 526 1483 527 1483 526 1483 526 1483 526 478 527 478 526 479 526 478 526 4497 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 1484 525 1483 526 1484 525 478 526 1484 525 1484 525 1484 525 1484 525 478 526 479 526 479 525 1484 525
name: input
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 4552 4465 584 421 583 420 584 420 584 420 610 1398 531 1479 530 475 554 451 554 1455 554 1479 530 1480 528 1481 527 478 526 479 526 479 525 479 526 4499 525 479 526 479 525 479 526 479 525 1484 525 479 525 1484 526 479 525 1484 525 1484 525 1485 524 479 525 479 525 1485 524 479 525 1484 525 479 526 479 525 480 525 1485 524
name: vol_up
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 4552 4463 531 474 530 474 530 474 530 474 530 1478 531 1478 531 475 529 476 553 1455 554 1478 530 1479 529 1481 527 477 527 478 526 478 526 478 526 4497 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 477 527 1483 526 1482 527 1482 527 478 526 1483 526 1483 526 1483 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 1483 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 1483 526
name: vol_down
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 325 50440 173 137541 4551 4465 530 475 529 475 529 474 530 474 530 1479 530 1479 529 476 528 477 527 1480 554 1457 551 1480 528 1481 527 477 527 478 526 478 526 478 526 4497 525 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 479 525 479 525 479 525 1484 525 1483 526 1484 525 1483 526 479 525 1483 526 1483 526 1483 526 479 525 479 525 479 525 479 525 1484 525
name: silence
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 4550 4464 585 420 584 420 584 420 612 392 529 1478 531 1479 555 451 554 452 552 1455 554 1479 529 1481 527 1482 526 478 526 479 525 478 526 479 525 4498 526 478 526 478 526 479 525 479 526 1484 525 479 525 479 525 479 525 1484 525 1483 526 1483 526 479 525 479 525 1484 525 1484 525 1483 526 479 525 479 525 479 525 1484 525 55494 4546 4495 525 478 526 479 525 479 525 479 526 1484 525 1483 526 479 526 479 525 1484 525 1484 525 1484 525 1484 525 479 525 479 525 479 525 479 526 4498 525 478 526 479 526 479 525 479 525 1484 526 479 525 479 526 479 525 1484 525 1484 525 1484 525 479 525 479 525 1484 525 1484 525 1484 525 479 525 479 526 479 525 1484 526
name: woof_up
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 4551 4464 556 449 555 450 553 450 530 474 530 1478 531 1478 531 475 554 452 552 1455 554 1478 530 1479 529 1480 528 477 527 478 526 478 526 478 526 4497 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 1483 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 1483 526 1483 526 478 526 1483 526 1483 526 1483 525 1483 526 1483 526 478 526
name: woof_down
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 4553 4465 584 420 584 420 584 420 584 421 529 1478 531 1478 531 475 555 451 553 1455 554 1479 529 1480 528 1481 527 477 527 478 526 478 526 478 526 4497 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 527 1483 526 1483 526 479 526 478 526 479 526 478 526 478 526 1484 525 479 525 478 526 1484 525 1483 526 1483 526 1484 525 1484 525 478 526 55493 4546 4493 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 1483 526 1483 526 478 526 478 526 1483 526 1483 526 1483 526 1483 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 4497 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 1483 526 1483 526 478 526 479 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 1484 525 478 526 479 526 1483 526 1483 526 1483 526 1483 526 1483 526 478 526
name: pause_play
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 4552 4464 586 420 584 420 584 420 612 392 529 1478 531 1478 531 476 553 451 553 1455 554 1479 528 1480 528 1481 527 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 4497 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 1483 526 478 526 1483 526 478 526 478 526 478 526 1483 526 1483 526 478 526 1483 526 479 525 1483 526 1483 526 1483 526 478 526
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
name: An_Aus
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 0C 00 00 00
name: Mute
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 0D 00 00 00
name: Voll+
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 15 00 00 00
name: Voll-
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 14 00 00 00
name: CH+
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 18 00 00 00
name: CH-
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 17 00 00 00
name: Menu
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 0B 00 00 00
name: Up
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 20 00 00 00
name: Down
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 21 00 00 00
name: Left
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 11 00 00 00
name: Right
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 10 00 00 00
name: OK
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 26 00 00 00
name: 1
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 01 00 00 00
name: 2
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 02 00 00 00
name: 3
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 03 00 00 00
name: 4
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 04 00 00 00
name: 5
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 05 00 00 00
name: 6
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 06 00 00 00
name: 7
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 07 00 00 00
name: 8
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 08 00 00 00
name: 9
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 09 00 00 00
name: 0
type: parsed
protocol: RC5
address: 00 00 00 00
command: 00 00 00 00
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
# Samsung AA81-00243A
# Service Remote Control
# Send INFO and then FACTORY to open the service menu
name: Factory
type: parsed
protocol: Samsung32
address: 07 00 00 00
command: 3B 00 00 00
name: POWER
type: parsed
protocol: Samsung32
address: 07 00 00 00
command: 02 00 00 00
name: INFO
type: parsed
protocol: Samsung32
address: 07 00 00 00
command: 1F 00 00 00
name: UP
type: parsed
protocol: Samsung32
address: 07 00 00 00
command: 60 00 00 00
name: DOWN
type: parsed
protocol: Samsung32
address: 07 00 00 00
command: 61 00 00 00
name: LEFT
type: parsed
protocol: Samsung32
address: 07 00 00 00
command: 65 00 00 00
name: RIGHT
type: parsed
protocol: Samsung32
address: 07 00 00 00
command: 62 00 00 00
name: OK
type: parsed
protocol: Samsung32
address: 07 00 00 00
command: 68 00 00 00
name: EXIT
type: parsed
protocol: Samsung32
address: 07 00 00 00
command: 2D 00 00 00
name: MENU
type: parsed
protocol: Samsung32
address: 07 00 00 00
command: 1A 00 00 00
Reference in New Issue
Block a user