Merge pull request #153 from UberGuidoZ/main

2 new additions (thanks GalacticWarri0r!)
UberGuidoZ 2022-07-22 23:02:32 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 8d9e918b4e
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 266 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
# BenQ Projector W770ST
name: On
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 4F B0 00 00
name: Off
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 4E B1 00 00
name: HDMI_1
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 58 A7 00 00
name: HDMI_2
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 59 A6 00 00
name: Wireless
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 86 79 00 00
name: Video
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 52 AD 00 00
name: PC
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 41 BE 00 00
name: Comp
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 51 AE 00 00
name: Menu_Exit
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 0F F0 00 00
name: Auto
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 08 F7 00 00
name: Eco_Blank
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 07 F8 00 00
name: Source
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 04 FB 00 00
name: Mode_Enter
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 10 EF 00 00
name: Up_Trapez
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 0B F4 00 00
name: Down_Trapez
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 0C F3 00 00
name: Left_VolDown
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 0D F2 00 00
name: Right_VolUp
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 0E F1 00 00
name: Aspect
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 13 EC 00 00
name: PIP
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 1B E4 00 00
name: SRS
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 99 66 00 00
name: User_1
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 75 8A 00 00
name: User_2
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 76 89 00 00
name: User_3
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 77 88 00 00
name: Contrast
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 11 EE 00 00
name: Bright
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 16 E9 00 00
name: Sharp
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 7E 81 00 00
name: Color
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 79 86 00 00
name: Color_Temp
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 5F A0 00 00
name: Tint
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 7A 85 00 00
name: Finetune
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 5D A2 00 00
name: 3D
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 8D 72 00 00
name: Invert
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 9D 62 00 00
name: Mute
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 14 EB 00 00
name: Freeze
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 03 FC 00 00
name: Test
type: parsed
protocol: NECext
address: 00 30 00 00
command: 94 6B 00 00

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
Filetype: IR signals file
Version: 1
# Panasonic Soundbar SCH-TB8
name: On_Off
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3491 1751 415 454 425 1314 423 446 422 448 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 452 416 453 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 447 421 1317 420 449 419 451 417 452 416 453 415 454 425 444 424 445 423 1316 421 448 420 1318 419 451 417 452 416 453 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 1318 419 451 417 1321 416 1322 425 1313 424 1314 423 419 449 447 421 1290 447 450 418 1320 417 1321 416 1322 425 444 424 445 423 1288 449 74914 3491 1751 415 427 452 1314 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 452 416 453 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 1316 421 449 419 450 418 451 417 452 416 453 415 454 425 445 423 1315 422 448 420 1318 419 451 417 452 416 453 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 1318 419 451 417 1321 416 1322 415 1295 452 1286 451 446 422 447 421 1317 420 450 418 1320 417 1321 416 1295 442 454 425 445 423 1315 422 74905 3491 1752 424 445 423 1315 422 447 421 448 420 422 446 451 417 452 416 453 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 1318 419 451 417 452 416 453 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 447 421 1317 420 450 418 1293 444 452 416 454 425 444 424 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 450 418 1320 417 453 415 1323 424 1314 423 1315 422 1288 449 448 420 450 418 1293 444 453 415 1323 424 1313 424 1314 423 447 421 448 420 1318 419
name: Surround
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3488 1756 421 449 419 1319 418 451 417 453 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 452 416 1323 424 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 1322 415 454 425 1314 423 446 422 447 421 1318 419 423 445 1293 444 453 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 1293 444 1294 443 454 425 445 423 446 422 447 421 1317 420 450 418 451 417 453 415 454 425 1287 450 74938 3490 1726 450 446 422 1316 421 448 420 450 418 424 444 452 416 453 415 454 425 444 424 446 422 419 449 448 420 449 419 1319 418 451 417 453 415 454 425 444 424 445 423 447 421 448 420 1318 419 450 418 1293 444 453 415 427 452 1314 423 447 421 1317 420 449 419 451 417 452 416 453 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 1289 448 1317 420 450 418 451 417 425 443 454 425 1286 451 446 422 447 421 449 419 450 418 1320 417
name: Input
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3492 1749 417 452 416 1322 415 454 425 444 424 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 448 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 425 443 1322 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 1292 445 452 416 1321 416 427 452 444 424 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 1294 443 1322 425 444 424 418 450 446 422 420 448 1290 447 449 419 1319 418 1320 417 453 415 454 425 1313 424 445 423 446 422 74909 3484 1758 418 450 418 1320 417 452 416 453 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 452 416 1295 442 427 452 444 424 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 422 446 1319 418 451 417 1321 416 454 425 444 424 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 451 417 424 444 1295 442 1323 424 417 451 446 422 447 421 448 420 1318 419 450 418 1320 417 1321 416 454 425 444 424 1314 423 447 421 448 420
name: Clear_Voice
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3486 1757 419 450 418 1320 417 453 415 454 425 444 424 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 452 416 453 415 1324 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 451 417 452 416 453 415 1323 424 446 422 1316 421 448 420 450 418 1293 444 452 416 1295 452 444 424 418 450 446 422 448 420 1318 419 423 445 1320 417 453 415 1323 424 1313 424 1314 423 446 422 1316 421 1290 447 1291 446 1319 418 451 417 1321 416 454 425 74911 3487 1754 422 447 421 1316 421 449 419 450 418 451 417 452 416 453 415 454 425 444 424 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 1318 419 451 417 452 416 453 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 447 421 1317 420 422 446 1319 418 452 416 453 415 1295 452 444 424 1314 423 447 421 448 420 449 419 450 418 1320 417 453 415 1323 424 445 423 1315 422 1315 422 1316 421 448 420 1318 419 1292 445 1320 417 1293 444 453 415 1322 425 444 424
name: Pairing
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3487 1756 420 449 419 1319 418 451 417 452 416 454 425 444 424 445 423 447 421 448 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 452 416 1322 425 444 424 446 422 447 421 421 447 449 419 450 418 451 417 1322 415 454 425 1314 423 446 422 420 448 1317 420 1319 418 1319 418 425 443 453 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 447 421 449 419 450 418 1320 417 453 415 1323 424 445 423 446 422 1316 421 1317 420 1317 420 423 445 424 444 452 416 74926 3484 1758 418 450 418 1320 417 453 415 427 452 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 452 416 426 442 1323 424 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 1321 416 453 415 1323 424 418 450 446 422 1316 421 1290 447 1290 447 450 418 451 417 425 443 453 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 447 421 1317 420 450 418 1320 417 452 416 453 415 1323 424 1314 423 1314 423 447 421 448 420 449 419 74912 3488 1753 423 446 422 1315 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 452 416 426 442 454 425 445 423 445 423 446 422 1289 448 449 419 450 418 451 417 452 416 453 415 454 425 444 424 1287 450 419 449 1289 448 449 419 450 418 1320 417 1293 444 1294 443 453 415 454 425 445 423 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 1292 445 451 417 1321 416 453 415 454 425 1286 451 1287 450 1315 422 420 448 448 420 450 418
name: Vol_Up
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3492 1750 416 454 425 1313 424 446 422 447 421 448 420 450 418 451 417 452 416 453 415 455 424 445 423 446 422 447 421 1290 447 450 418 451 417 452 416 453 415 455 424 445 423 447 421 1290 447 422 446 1319 418 452 416 426 442 454 425 445 423 446 422 447 421 421 447 449 419 450 418 451 417 452 416 453 415 454 425 1314 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 452 416 454 425 444 424 1315 422 74926 3488 1754 422 447 421 1317 420 422 446 451 417 452 416 453 415 454 425 444 424 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 1292 445 452 416 453 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 1318 419 450 418 1293 444 453 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 452 416 453 415 455 424 445 423 1315 422 448 420 449 419 450 418 424 444 452 416 453 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 1289 448
name: Vol_Down
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3486 1756 420 449 419 1291 446 424 444 452 416 453 415 454 425 444 424 445 423 446 422 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 1319 418 452 416 453 415 426 453 444 424 445 423 446 422 447 421 1290 447 422 446 1319 418 451 417 452 416 454 425 444 424 445 423 446 422 447 421 420 448 1317 420 449 419 450 418 452 416 453 415 1322 425 417 451 445 423 1315 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 452 416 1322 415 74922 3492 1722 444 452 416 1321 416 426 453 444 424 445 423 446 422 447 421 447 421 448 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 452 416 1294 443 453 415 454 425 445 423 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 1317 420 450 418 1319 418 451 417 425 443 453 415 454 425 444 424 418 450 446 422 447 421 1317 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 452 416 1322 425 444 424 445 423 1315 422 420 448 448 420 448 420 422 446 450 418 451 417 1321 416
name: Mute
type: raw
frequency: 38000
duty_cycle: 0.330000
data: 3486 1728 448 448 420 1318 419 423 445 451 417 452 416 454 425 444 424 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 421 447 449 419 1319 418 451 417 453 415 453 426 444 424 445 423 446 422 447 421 1317 420 449 419 1319 418 451 417 452 416 453 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 447 421 447 421 421 447 1291 446 423 445 425 443 1322 415 1322 425 444 424 445 423 446 422 1289 448 448 420 422 446 1292 445 451 417 452 416 1322 415 74924 3486 1755 421 447 421 1317 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 452 416 453 415 454 425 417 451 445 423 446 422 420 448 448 420 1317 420 450 418 451 417 452 416 426 442 427 452 444 424 445 423 1315 422 447 421 1317 420 449 419 450 418 451 417 425 443 453 415 454 425 444 424 418 450 446 422 1315 422 448 420 421 447 1291 446 1319 418 451 417 452 416 454 414 1323 424 445 423 419 449 1316 421 422 446 450 418 1293 444 74912 3487 1755 421 448 420 1290 447 423 445 451 417 452 416 453 415 454 425 445 423 446 422 446 422 447 421 421 447 449 419 1319 418 452 416 426 442 454 425 444 424 445 423 446 422 447 421 1290 447 449 419 1319 418 452 416 452 416 453 415 427 451 445 423 446 422 447 421 448 420 449 419 1319 418 424 444 452 416 1322 415 1323 424 444 424 445 423 446 422 1317 420 449 419 423 445 1320 417 453 415 427 452 1313 424