From 67b4f5ae15802b24841572d4b6b83292f4bd8248 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Aztec Eagle' Turbo Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2022 13:36:58 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Added Fan Honeywell CL18PE Air Cooler Captured from remote control. CL18PE indoor portable evaporative air cooler. It's a FAN, not an Air Conditioner. --- Fans/Honeywell/ | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 44 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Fans/Honeywell/ diff --git a/Fans/Honeywell/ b/Fans/Honeywell/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a5de2618 --- /dev/null +++ b/Fans/Honeywell/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +Filetype: IR signals file +Version: 1 +# +# Honeywell Fan CL18PE +# +# it seems to be LATAM market only +# +# Enfriador de Aire Evaporativo +# +name: POWER +type: raw +frequency: 38000 +duty_cycle: 0.330000 +data: 1279 428 1246 434 413 1265 1246 434 1250 430 407 1271 413 1240 434 1245 439 1240 434 1245 439 1240 1271 7282 1276 430 1244 436 411 1267 1255 426 1248 432 405 1248 437 1243 431 1248 436 1243 431 1248 436 1243 1279 7276 1272 434 1250 430 407 1271 1251 430 1244 436 411 1267 407 1247 437 1241 433 1246 438 1241 433 1246 1276 7279 1279 427 1247 433 404 1248 1274 433 1251 429 408 1271 413 1239 435 1245 440 1239 435 1244 430 1249 1273 7282 1276 430 1244 436 411 1267 1244 436 1248 432 405 1273 411 1242 432 1247 437 1241 433 1247 437 1241 1281 7274 1274 432 1252 428 409 1270 1252 428 1246 434 413 1266 408 1244 441 1239 435 1244 440 1239 435 1244 1278 +# +name: OSC +type: raw +frequency: 38000 +duty_cycle: 0.330000 +data: 1275 405 1279 401 436 1243 1279 401 1273 407 440 1238 436 1244 1278 429 408 1244 440 1239 435 1244 440 8113 1272 434 1250 430 407 1246 1276 430 1254 426 411 1242 432 1247 1275 432 405 1247 437 1242 432 1247 437 8115 1280 426 1248 432 405 1248 1274 433 1251 428 409 1244 440 1239 1272 434 413 1239 435 1245 439 1239 435 8118 1277 429 1245 435 412 1240 1271 436 1248 431 406 1247 437 1242 1280 427 410 1242 432 1247 437 1242 432 8121 1274 406 1278 428 409 1244 1278 402 1272 408 439 1240 434 1245 1277 404 433 1246 438 1240 434 1245 439 8114 1281 399 1275 405 432 1247 1275 406 1278 401 436 1244 430 1249 1273 407 440 1240 434 1245 439 1239 435 +# +name: ION +type: raw +frequency: 38000 +duty_cycle: 0.330000 +data: 1277 429 1245 435 412 1267 1245 435 1249 431 406 1273 1249 431 406 1247 438 1241 433 1246 439 1267 407 8120 1275 430 1255 426 411 1242 1280 426 1248 432 405 1274 1248 432 405 1248 436 1243 431 1248 436 1242 432 8123 1272 407 1278 429 408 1245 1277 430 1244 436 411 1268 1254 426 411 1243 431 1274 410 1268 406 1274 410 8117 1278 401 1273 433 404 1275 1247 433 1252 429 408 1271 1251 429 408 1271 413 1239 435 1271 413 1265 409 8119 1277 402 1272 408 439 1240 1272 434 1251 430 407 1272 1250 430 407 1246 439 1241 433 1245 439 1240 434 8120 1275 431 1254 426 411 1243 1279 427 1247 433 404 1249 1273 407 440 1265 409 1244 430 1275 409 1269 405 +# +name: VELOCIDAD +type: raw +frequency: 38000 +duty_cycle: 0.330000 +data: 1248 412 1274 438 405 1284 1245 445 1251 435 408 1281 405 1282 404 1285 411 1251 435 1253 1276 437 406 8011 1242 445 1251 435 408 1255 1274 442 1244 443 410 1278 408 1280 406 1282 435 1254 411 1277 1242 445 408 8011 1242 443 1243 444 409 1279 1250 440 1246 441 412 1277 409 1279 407 1281 405 1282 404 1286 1243 443 410 8008 1245 442 1244 443 410 1278 1251 440 1246 441 402 1286 410 1278 408 1280 406 1256 430 1284 1276 411 411 8006 1247 439 1247 439 404 1285 1244 446 1250 437 406 1282 404 1283 403 1285 411 1278 408 1254 1275 438 405 8013 1251 436 1250 410 433 1282 1247 443 1243 443 410 1279 407 1281 405 1282 404 1258 438 1276 1243 444 409 7981 1272 414 1272 441 412 1250 1269 448 1248 438 405 1257 429 1259 437 1277 429 1232 433 1281 1248 412 431 7986 1267 446 1250 436 407 1255 1274 443 1243 443 410 1253 433 1280 406 1282 404 1258 428 1287 1273 387 435 7981 1272 414 1272 415 438 1276 1243 447 1249 411 432 1282 435 1228 489 1198 436 1278 408 1280 1249 411 432 +# +name: FRIO +type: raw +frequency: 38000 +duty_cycle: 0.330000 +data: 1248 439 1247 413 430 1284 1245 445 1251 435 408 1280 406 1282 404 1283 403 1286 1243 443 410 1278 408 8000 1242 445 1241 444 409 1280 1249 440 1246 441 412 1276 410 1278 408 1280 406 1282 1247 440 402 1284 412 7994 1269 418 1247 439 404 1285 1244 445 1251 436 407 1281 405 1283 403 1285 411 1277 1241 444 409 1279 407 8001 1241 445 1241 445 408 1281 1248 442 1244 442 411 1277 409 1279 407 1281 405 1283 1246 440 403 1285 411 +# +name: TIEMPO +type: raw +frequency: 38000 +duty_cycle: 0.330000 +data: 1269 416 1270 416 437 1250 1269 422 1274 411 432 1256 430 1258 459 1229 1269 443 410 1252 434 1253 433 7988 1276 410 1276 410 432 1256 1273 417 1300 386 436 1252 434 1253 433 1256 1273 412 431 1258 428 1259 437