# [Database] CTRPF AR CHEAT CODES ## How to use 1. Download `Luma3DS 9.0 - Plugin loader` and `CTRPluginFramework - Action Replay` (Included in this repository or you can download from [here](https://gbatemp.net/threads/ctrpluginframework-blank-plugin.487729/page-6#post-7750475)) 2. Make sure you already installed the latest `Boot9strap` and `Luma CFW` and have a firmware of 11.4 or higher. 3. Replace the `boot.firm` from the root of your SD Card with the Luma3DS 9.0 - Plugin loader.7z `boot.firm` 4. Place the contents from `CTRPluginFramework - Action Replay.7z` into `SD:/luma/plugins//` 5. Either download or clone this repository or search in the cheats folder for the game you want to cheat on and download the `.txt` file in the folder 6. Move the `.txt` file to either `sd:/cheats/` (txt files are conviently already named correctly if placing here) 7. Or place in same folder as the `plugin.plg` from #4 and rename the `.txt` to `cheats.txt` 8. Use your button combo to load up `rosalina menu` (default is usually `L+Down+select`) and make sure to enable `plugin loader` and then load up your game (if you get a green screen during load then it worked) and cheat to your hearts content! 9. To open CTRPluginFramework menu press `select` once in game ## If you wish to contribute 1. Fork repository 2. Add Cheats / Make changes to cheats / Other 3. Make sure format is as `Cheats/<gamename (region)>/<tid>.txt` or `Cheats/<gamename (update #.#) (region)>/<tid>.txt` Example: `Cheats\Mario and Luigi Dream Team Bros. (Update 1.1) (EUR)/0004000E000D9000.txt` 4. Once done send a pull request back to my repository Region CODES If you do not know the correct Region code to give to, just input the titleID into the search on [3dsdb](http://www.3dsdb.com/) and see what flag it gives you. 1. USA = United States 2. FRA = French 3. EUR = Europe 4. JPN = Japan 5. TWN = Taiwan 6. GER = Germany 7. CHN = China 8. KOR = Korean 9. GLO = Global 10. ... ## Notes 1. Various folder names will be fixed up in due time. 2. Inazuma Eleven 3 (EUR) games have 2 different `.txt` files, have to look into which ones are correct at some point.