3. Rename any existing `boot.firm` in the root of your SD card to `boot.firm.bak` in case you want to go back, then drag the `boot.firm` from `Luma3DS 9.0 - Plugin loader.zip` into the root of your SD card
4. Place the conents from `ActionReplay.zip` into either
5. Either download or clone this repository or search in the cheats folder for the game you want to cheat on and download the `.txt` file in the folder
7. Use your button combo to load up `rosalina menu` (default is usually `L+Down+select`) and enable `plugin loader` if it isn't already and then load up your game
- Note: `Luma3DS 9.0 - Plugin loader`&`ActionReplay` are .zip files in this repository for convenience of updating with [MultiUpdater](https://github.com/LiquidFenrir/MultiUpdater)
5. Either download or clone this repository or search in the cheats folder for the game you want to cheat on and download the `.txt` file in the folder
After following either of the above you can look at this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2258P9wKkA) to see how to use the editor and create codes and/or you can follow below.
10. For `N3DS` only: Pressing `ZL` Will `copy` the currently chosen line of code to be pasted using `L` or `R`, And Pressing `ZR` will `Clear the Clipboard`
11. When done Adding/Editing code, Press `B` to go back and Press `A` to `Mark a Check/Activate` the cheat, and leave the cheat menu and see if the cheat works
12. Also there's a `Help` on the `Options` inside the `Code Editor` in case you didn't noticed it
- codes that the CTRPF AR supports(Same as Gateshark but with more options!): [link](https://github.com/JourneyOver/CTRPF-AR-CHEAT-CODES/blob/master/ActionReplayCodeTypes.txt)
- NOTE: I didn't create these cheats, and some cheats might not work.
- If a cheat is not working, it just means that the cheat is wrong: no support will be done for cheats not working, I'm not here to fix all cheats, if you need help with broken codes either make an issue or add a comment in this [thread](https://gbatemp.net/threads/database-ctrpf-ar-cheat-codes.493220/) and somebody may be able to help you. Thank you!
- No, you don't/shouldn't use both if you already have 1 .txt file for the game in one of the directories. You only need either a `cheats.txt` or `<Title ID of the game>.txt` for a game not both.
5. Make sure your using only 1 `CTRPF (AR) Plugin`! And No Other Plugins included alongside it! (Such as `Gateshark2NTR`, `libshark2NTR` or any other `Plugins`).
6. If it gives you error,Try Deleting the `CTRPFData.bin` if it exists.
7. If you can't find a game you are looking for, you can try [Max Cheats](https://www.max-cheats.com) or [GameHacking](https://gamehacking.org/system/3ds) and see if they possibly have it.
- Games - Inazuma Eleven 3 (EUR), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (USA) and (EUR), Shovel Knight (EUR) and (USA), LBX - Little Battlers eXperience (EUR) have 2 different `.txt` files. I Need to look into this.